Begin your journey to the knowledge of the business of baking.

Grab your apron!

A course designed to help you navigate the unpredictable challenges of opening and running a bakery business. By helping you to understand what is truly needed to live your dream as a bakery entrepreneur!

Parties in the kitchen.

Take your baking skills to a whole new level with this exceptional service. Discover the secret tips and tricks that will set your creations apart from the rest. From the price to the length of service, we've got you covered. Elevate your baking journey and be known for your impeccable taste!


Building your Business Plan

In Todayā€™s competitive business landscape, a well-written business plan isnā€™t just a document, it is a guide to success. Whether you are just starting with a business dream/idea, beginning a new startup, or taking an existing business to new levels, your business plan will be the key factor as you move forward. A powerful business plan is essential to seeking invertors or business funding. So letā€™s do this!

ā€œBy following the 12-week course ROADMAP I learned the different timelines used by different agencies, departments, and permits needed to run my new businessā€

Tara Satkowski, Student

Not sure how to proceed?

I would love to have a conversation with you about where you are in your food service journey? Iā€™m sure I could answer a lot of questions.

Letā€™s chat!

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