Grab Your Apron 101

It’s time to enter the world of delicious creations. Have everything you need to bake like a pro and unleash your creativity and become the master of your own unique bakery!


Name, Brand and Logo

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Class 1 goes into the details of how you start the process of a name, a brand and the logo you will develop to use for your new bakery!!


Licences, Taxes & Permits

Understating why all the different agencies are used and needed in relation to a bakery business. There are important timelines each department and agency has that relate to their specific needs. Knowing them before opening a business is a must.


Bank Accounts & Point of Sales

Here we delve into what you need to open a business banking account. We look at the different types of POS (point of sale) equipment and what works best for you and your company.



A quick look at your progress with the program. How is your time management coming along? Review of areas that may need more depth for you… a little chance to BREATHE.


Your Market & Product

You are identifying your market demographics and how your product fits in the marketplace. Do you know your niche?


Equipment & Lease Options

Understanding the role leases and lease options play in businesses. They can come into play in many forms, space and equipment are a few. It is important to learn the impact they may or may not have on your business.


Supplier Relationships

“No man is an island” - Class 6 is all about learning how to form strong business relationships with your much-needed suppliers.



A quick look at your progress with the program, How is your time management coming along? Review of areas from the past weeks. Remember to BREATHE!


Costing & The Books

This is a big one! You should know your business numbers as well as your recipes!! That is how important this class is. We will go over how to cost goods and services for your market. As well as set up a bookkeeping system at the start. How to use a Profit and Loss Statement AKA. P & L.


Ins and Outs
of Hiring

Once you have reached the point of hiring employees your business changes. I guide you through understanding employee value and the impact it makes on your business. Ideas on management, job descriptions, and how to handle tips.



This is an overview class on marketing your business today. What social media, networking, and advertising are to your business and what it all looks like in today's business climate.


How To Get Paid

Congratulations! You did it! Now you are armed with the knowledge to move forward in your business. Together let’s take a look back and review your progress and answer any final questions.

Ready to begin your journey to the knowledge of the business of baking, right from home?

“Since working with Terrie, I feel so much more confident about building my bakery.”

Laurie Payton - Student

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I would love to have a conversation with you about where you are in your food service journey? I’m sure I could answer a lot of questions.

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